“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart” (Jer 1:5)

Nyenza James, C.S.C
I’m Nyenza James CSC, from Kibaha, Tanzania. I was inspired to become a priest on future by the chants of my parish priest during Mass, Fr. Alfonsi Mwamilawa. I also began serving at the altar and singing choir at my local church at nine years old. All these stirred and sparked my desire to become a priest on future.
After completing primary education, I applied to join a minor seminary but sadly, I was not admitted. So, I was unable to consider whether or not I could go to a major seminary, because there was a belief that you couldn’t join in a major seminary if you didn’t pass through in a minor seminary. This is because we had little knowledge about a vocation to priesthood. My vocation reawakened again when I was at the college after a long hiatus. I was helped by several priests to comprehend my vocation, and I decided to join a religious congregation. The question came to me; which congregation now should I join?
I attended come and see programs of many congregations (Salesians, Passionists, etc), but the Precious Blood Missionaries really drew my attention. I considered joining them. At that time, I never knew if there is a congregation called Holy Cross. So, when I was still in communication with the vocation’s director of Precious Blood Congregation, a friend of mine who is now a Passionist priest introduced me to Holy Cross Congregation. I was therefore intrigued by the name “HOLY CROSS.” I was eager and compelled to learn more about Holy Cross’s spirituality and charism. After thorough understanding of what Holy Cross Congregation is, I was convinced that Holy Cross congregation was the appropriate one for me to join. So, I began communicating with the vocation’s directors: Fr. Temba and then Fr. Muhindo. I was accepted to start my postulant formation and philosophical studies in Jinja, Uganda. From there, I went to Fort Portal for my Novitiate program, Nairobi, Kenya for my Theologicum studies, Sreemangal, Bangladesh for my pastoral experiences, and Currently I am at Holy Cross Parish Bugembe, Uganda.
Through all those years in formation, I have come to realize that religious life is a call for me to be very transparent, honest and open enough to become a true self. Holy Cross formation has helped me to mature in all the above values. The workshops and retreats I have had throughout my formation have really armored my prayer life.
For my pastoral experiences, I have worked in a variety of settings, including several secondary schools in Jinja (Masese Girls, Good Heart, and St. John Wakitaka), where I gained experience in leading over Eucharistic services and instructing catechism to get students ready to receive various church sacraments. Additionally, I served at Katojo Main Prison in Uganda, where I led Eucharistic services, played games with the inmates, and provided spiritual counseling to help them find hope in their life. I conducted numerous workshops for various groups at St. Peter the Rock Parish in Kinoo, Nairobi, in addition to assisting serving at the altar on Sunday Masses.
I spent a lot of time in village visitations, visiting the sick and aged at St. Joseph the Worker Parish in Sreemangal, Bangladesh, and overseeing the students in the hostel by working, playing, and praying with them. Currently, I am working at Holy Cross Catholic Parish Bugembe, Jinja where I am involved in serving at the altar, journeying with the altar servers, small Christians communities’ visitations, visiting the sick and aged, and assisting in parish finances. Language barriers and cultural differences presented the largest hurdles in all of these ministries, but with grace, everything is possible. I was able to fit right in and get along with the people. I have truly relished the joys of living religious and missionary life.
Nyenza James, C.S.C
Last modified: October 3, 2024