Bwanandeke Matayo C.S.C
I am Bwanandeke Matayo, hailing from Katabukenene village, Maliba Sub- County, Kasese district. I grew up in a humble background where my parents are typically farmers. We are twelve in our family, and I am the twelfth child of my parents. Our parents raised us up in a Catholic faith since my father was a catechist. The vocation begun right from home where we could gather for prayers together as a family.
I went to St. Matia Mulumba primary school, Kilembe secondary school and St. Johns miner seminary for my ordinary and advanced level. My parents struggled hard to get school fees for my study. They instilled in us a spirit of working hard and being prayerful. They made sure we went to the farm to work in such for our school fees.
I joined Holy cross congregation after completing my senior six and went to Queen of apostles philosophy center where I attained a bachelor’s in social and philosophical studies. After that, I went to Saaka novitiate for the spiritual year. After that I went to Tangaza University College where I attained bachelor’s in sacred theology. I was able to meet different people and attained knowledge of how to do pastoral and work with different people of all sorts.
I have worked in different places of ministry, for example, Fort Portal remand home for the juveniles, sisters of charity Otiende in Nairobi-Kenya, St Andrews primary school, our lady of Guadalupe parish where I was visiting the sick. These experiences exposed me to different dynamics of pastoral experiences on how to work with people of different ages, class and gender. It was a very rich experience in my vocation journey.
I would like to thank the congregation of Holy Cross for educating me and exposing me to life of ministry and working with different people. It is worth it and worth celebrating.
Last modified: October 4, 2024