• Final Vows and Diaconate Ordinations 2024

    Called to make God known, loved, and served
    by bringing the hope of the Gospel to all the world.

  • Ordination of Six Holy Cross Priests

    Called to make God known, loved, and served
    by bringing the hope of the Gospel to all the world.

  • We are Men with Hope to Bring

    Called to make God known, loved, and served
    by bringing the hope of the Gospel to all the world.

  • Priestly Ordination in Koch Goma

    Called to make God known, loved, and served
    by bringing the hope of the Gospel to all the world.

  • We are Men with Hope to Bring

    Called to make God known, loved, and served
    by bringing the hope of the Gospel to all the world.

  • We are Men with Hope to Bring

    Called to make God known, loved, and served
    by bringing the hope of the Gospel to all the world.

  • We are Men with Hope to Bring

    Called to make God known, loved, and served
    by bringing the hope of the Gospel to all the world.

  • We are Men with Hope to Bring

    Called to make God known, loved, and served
    by bringing the hope of the Gospel to all the world.

  • We are Men with Hope to Bring

    Called to make God known, loved, and served
    by bringing the hope of the Gospel to all the world.

  • We are Men with Hope to Bring

    Called to make God known, loved, and served
    by bringing the hope of the Gospel to all the world.

  • We are Men with Hope to Bring

    Called to make God known, loved, and served
    by bringing the hope of the Gospel to all the world.

  • We are Men with Hope to Bring

    Called to make God known, loved, and served
    by bringing the hope of the Gospel to all the world.

Formation & Vocation Discernment

Discover the path of formation and vocation discernment in Holy Cross We asked how we might follow, and we found many footprints on the road. A great band of men had passed this way. men who had walked side by side in their following of the Lord. We wanted to be part of the family they formed in order to share in their life and work

Popes Message for Vocation Sunday 21st April 2024

World Day Prayer for Vocations

Our Holy Father’s Message for this day 61st is Called to sow seeds of hope and to build peace

The Church encourages us to celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Easter which is known as Vocations Sunday or Good Shepherd Sunday and is marked as the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. It is a wonderful time for us to encourage young people to consider discerning what God might be calling them to do.


Vocations and Formation

“Candidates who come to the congregation deserve from us the cultivation of their maturity, faith, generosity, learning and ability to live in community. With them we assess their character and growth as Christians, and we both discern and assist them to discern whether they are disposed and able to move towards joining our congregation.” (C6.61)

Come and see Program

We accept baptized and practicing CATHOLIC students, who have received the Holy Sacrament of Confirmation in the Church. High School students should not be above 25 years of age and University Graduates should NOT be above 26 years of age.


Aspirants must have completed and passed well UCE with a credit in English, Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) Examinations (at least 10 points for Art subjects and 8 points for Science Subjects, including a point in General Paper



Aspirants must have completed and passed well High School. Examinations (at least C+ Mean Grade)

come follow me


Aspirants must have completed and passed well Advanced Level with 2 principal passes (in appropriate subjects) at the same session with total points not below 5 for Art Subjects and not below a for Science subjects.

Formation Program

Candidacy or Postulancy

The initial phase of Formation in Holy Cross is the acceptance into the candidacy program. This part of formation takes place in Jinja as candidates pursue their philosophical studies at the Queen of Apostles Philosophy Centre. Candidates undergo initial training in community life, seminary studies, academic advancement and parish ministry



The Novitiate time (usually one year) is a pivotal time of preparation for religious life in the Congregation of Holy Cross. Our Novitiate is in the Diocese of Fort Portal (Saaka) in Uganda. During the novitiate program, the novice becomes more acquainted with the different forms of prayer which is part of the church tradition, the founding, charism, evangelical counsels, and history of the community.

Post Novitiate

Following first profession of vows at the completion of the Novitiate program the newly professed continue further training in preparation for apostolic activity in the congregation. Brothers will pursue a year of spiritual theology as well as academic degrees and professional studies appropriate to their intended ministry. Seminarians will follow a course of theology for priesthood. The post Novitiate program is located in Nairobi.

Ave Crux, Spes Unica "Hail the Cross, Our Only Hope"

“We had been washed in baptism and confirmed in our belief and given the eucharistic nourishment in memory of Him. But there seemed to come a time when the Lord was calling us to take some further step.”

Constitutions of the Congregation of Holy Cross, 1:2

Our Core Values

These values serve as a moral and spiritual compass, influencing the Congregation’s approach to education, service, and community life.


The Congregation of Holy Cross places a strong emphasis on education as a means of fostering intellectual, spiritual, and moral development. This includes a commitment to providing quality education at various levels.


Living in community is a central value, reflecting a commitment to shared life, mutual support, and a sense of belonging. Community life is seen as essential for spiritual growth and effective ministry.

Option for the Poor

Following the teachings of Catholic social justice, there is often a commitment to serving the marginalized and advocating for justice and equality.


Members of the Congregation are often characterized by a spirit of zeal and enthusiasm in their mission, particularly in the realms of education, pastoral work, and social justice.

Cross and Resurrection

The cross is a symbol of suffering and sacrifice, and the Resurrection represents hope and new life. Members of the Congregation of Holy Cross draw inspirations, embracing challenges with hope and faith in the transformative power of Christ's love.


A welcoming and inclusive spirit is often emphasized, reflecting an openness to others, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Charism & Spirituality

We prepare people that we minister to, for better times than ours as educators in the faith. We educate the heart and the mind. We live our charism and spirituality in our ministries of parishes, schools, colleges / Universities, Holy Cross Family Ministries, Health Centers and Formation Houses.

Our Charism

As Educators in Faith

We teach the Minds and Hearts of all whom we minister to in our different ministries guided by Zeal: the burning desire to make God known, Loved and Served. This is the particular gift that the Holy Spirit gave the Congregation through our founderBlessed Basile Moreau, in order to build up the Church and to respond to the needs of the world. 


Seeking Understanding through the integration of faith and reason. they also seek to form the minds of young people in institutions and parish ministry preparing good citizens of the world and kingdom of God.


Walking side by side with those we minister to discern our personal vocation in service to the church and the world with the zeal to serve, build faith and give  hope.

Holy Cross Brothers

For men who have discerned the call to be a brother of Holy Cross, Final Vows is the culmination of their formation.  It is here that they publicly and permanently devote their lives to serve the People of God. After their profession, they enter into full-time ministry, Besides their religious Calling, Holy Cross Brothers participate in the heritage of Blessed Moreau as administrators in our institutions such as universities, colleges and schools. They also serve as professors and teachers; and they are involved in parochial pastoral work and administration. The brothers of Holy Cross extraordinary Life bringing hope to others.

Holy Cross Priests

Men who have discerned the call to serve God’s people through administering the sacraments profess perpetual vows   alongside the brothers. It is at this point that they officially join the Holy Cross community. The next day, they are ordained to the diaconate and embark on a six-month placement to serve at a Holy Cross parish or similar apostolate. In the spring, they are at last ordained priests through the laying on of hands — both the hands of the ordaining bishop and of the entire Holy Cross community.


While the work of Holy Cross began in education and parish ministry, our mission takes across borders of every sort. For the East African Province Province, our mission includes outreach ministries to the poor, spiritual ministries for families, and a Catholic publishing house. Our mission also includes international ministries, where we seek to educate the hearts and minds of people around the globe.


The priests and brothers of Holy Cross serve in educational institutions across the province, where they seek to form the hearts and minds of young people.



The East African Province serves over 10 parishes in East Africa, focusing the Congregation’s resources on parishes with schools, hospitals and those that serve the poor.



Through our creative missionary efforts, we make God known, loved and served in East Africa, as well as around the globe.

Family Ministries

Holy Cross Family Ministries (HCFM), we believe every family needs and deserves access to high-quality prayer and faith experiences and resources. We are a mission-driven family of Catholic ministries. Our mission is clear: We are dedicated to inspiring, promoting and fostering the prayer life and spiritual well-being of families throughout the world. Families are served through faith-based video series, prayer retreats, world-wide Rosary distribution, and numerous interactive and in-person engaging prayer experiences!


A dedicated Ministry aimed at addressing the holistic well-being of the congregation members and communities. Grounded in the values of the Holy Cross, this ministry focuses on integrating physical health with spiritual and emotional support. Health education programs, established health Centers, which collaborate with local healthcare organizations to provide essential services. Community outreach and advocacy efforts extend the impact beyond the congregation, addressing health disparities and promoting overall well-being

Discern your vocation and discover the life God is calling you to live.

Join a Brotherhood of Men with Hope to Bring