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Global Rosary Prayer for Peace

February 16, 2024



Join us and our ministries in the Province of East Africa as we respond to our Superior General’s invitation to unite as a family and pray for world peace, an appeal of the Holy Father.

Recalling that the Church dedicates the month of October to the Holy Rosary, Pope Francis invited the faithful to pray for peace throughout the world. On 22nd October 2023 our Superior General Br. Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C., invited us to take part in Pope Francis’ appeal for a day of fasting, penance and prayer and on 1st January,2024- World Day of Peace, he extended an invitation to us all in our ministries and communities to join hands in prayer for global peace. He announced that February 16, the first Friday of Lent as the day we shall unite with the Holy Cross Global community to pray for world peace. See details.

According to his message above the event will commence at 6:00 p.m. Ugandan time (16th Feb 2024), this prayerful gathering will kick off with a personal message and prayer from our Superior General himself at 6:00 PM Rome time. The Rosary will feature meditations and prayers on the traditional Sorrows of Mary, led by the different ministry centers and jurisdictions in 18 countries across five continents. https://holycrosscongregation.org/news/superior-general-calls-for-global-rosary-for-peace-on-first-friday-of-lent/.

As a Congregation, we turn to Our Lady of sorrows whose feast day we celebrate on 15th September because she is the patroness of our Congregation. The preeminent model of one who finds hope in the Cross of Christ is the patroness of Holy Cross, Our Lady of Sorrows. Our motto Ave Crux, Spes Unica invites us to look at the sorrows of the world as our mission and obligation to pray for said our Provincial Superior.


Referring to the words of the superior general “we want to offer help and hope in every way we can, and it must begin with prayer. Mary is the perfect model of hope. I’m grateful for the invitation for us to step away from our daily routines to pray together for peace, placing our hope in the Cross just as Mary did.”

As the Holy Cross Province of East Africa, we invite all our ministries; Parishes, Schools, Holy Cross Family Ministries, other social service apostolates in the province, collaborators and well-wishers to participate in this online event by sharing the message and joining in this significant global moment of prayer. Let us come together as one universal family to seek peace in our troubled world.

To learn more about the event Visit: www.HCFM.org/PrayForPeace


May our collective prayers rise like incense, bringing solace, hope, and healing to all corners of the earth.

With Mary we cannot go wrong – Bishop McCaulay

Ave Crux, Spes Unica (Hail the Cross, Our Only Hope)

The Family that prays together Stays Together – Fr. Patrick Peyton


February 16, 2024


Digital Event


Congregation of Holy Cross in Colaboration with HCFM