Joseph Owori Jodolo CSC
Apart from almsgiving and prayer, Fasting is the other spiritual practice for lent which seemingly has many opinions especially among Catholics. Every year when the season of lent is at hand, you will probably hear most people or even preachers reflecting with Christians about what to or what not to fast during lent, how to or how not to fast during lent, when and when not too fast and maybe, on few occasions, why or why not one should fast. This is so unfortunate but a reality in the many Catholic lifestyles.
Well, the different kinds of fasting present to us this objective: mortification and penance for the glory of God to fill our lives and that our love for God and neighbor might increase or rather be more transformed and renewed. This love is about the sensitivity, attitude and consciousness which Christian should have towards the will of God and the necessary needs of the neighbor. Therefore, such a spiritual motif is not reserved for lent alone but the entire Christian attitude of life.
In the gospel according to Mathew 9:11, it is written,
Then John’s disciples came to him and said, ‘Why is it that we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not?’
This position of the disciples exposes the biggest blander that most Christians do about fasting: COMPARISON with others in the degrees of fasting. Yet, every ‘Pilgrim of Hope’ ought to avoid it while they fast.
The power of comparison increases a sense of spiritual insufficiency pride, discouragement, competition and on the worst part, jealousy and envy as one may interpret in the inquiry of the disciples of John above.
Should you choose to fast either for a half day or whole day, or even one hour or 24 hours, a meal or two, a habit or attitude, let it be because you realize that it is the will of God inviting you to attend to that area of your life for the good of your family, but not because others or the Church has instructed you. Fasting ought to be a personal deliberate choice for your life. It should be chosen as a necessary good for your spiritual life, and for the sanctification of your soul and others.
If you have suffered the pain of fasting in comparison with others, I would like to offer the following suggestions to help you find your own track to the appropriate path.
- Understand and accept your ability to fast. This will help you choose the degree to which you can mortify yourself for God and neighbor.
- Identify the reason for which you desire to fast. While fasting decreased the power of the influence of the flesh, it increases the power of God and guidance of the Holy Spirit in you.
- Start from where you are and not where you envision yourself at in the 40 days.
- Discuss and discern it with God and sometimes your spiritual director. This will help you feel accompanied by the grace of God in your choice.
All fasting should rather increase in us the power to listen more, serve better, hope with confidence and finally, to participate in the mysteries of God with joy.
Wishing you a fruitful moment of renewal, self-appropriation and commitment during this lent.
The family that prays together, Stays together!
In Holy Cross,
Joseph Owori Jodolo CSC